Woman using laptop - Accounts receivable automation and cash flow management

Accounts Receivable
Automation and Cash
Flow Management

Reduce time spent on cash management by 70%.
Accounts receivable automation and cash flow management.
Trusted, tailored software from cash flow specialists.

Cash Application Automation

Streamline the accounts receivable process. Significantly reduce DSO. Remittances will be auto-matched against open invoices and bank statements. Automate your general ledger postings for miscellaneous banking charges or transfers. Automate your deductions in your ERP system with auto-coding based upon configurable rules. Eliminate bank lockbox key stroke charges & make checks & remittance images available to users. Make a seamless integration between banks and ERP’s a reality.

Collections Management Software

One central hub to log all notes, see lockbox images, eliminate deductions and add attachments with real-time information. Intelligent software forecasts payments based on historical performance, highlights overdue accounts and automatically creates user-defined dunning letters. Expect higher collections efficiency and expect your companies DSO to plummet.
Man using laptop - Modernise collections management with ar collections automation

Deductions Management Software

Revenue and profits are lost in the deductions processes. Deductions are claimed by large and small companies with customer specific codes and reasons. Adapt deduction management to any bank file or remittance format and route deductions for speedy review and approvals. Create reason and deduction codes directly from remittance data, regardless of ERP. Automate the deductions process and recover more revenue from deductions than ever before.

Accounts Payable Automation

A single, global solution for automating payments, regardless of ERP, bank or location. Automated payment file creation and outbound remittance, with full approval process for all payment runs and secure vendor bank account management. Cashbook auto-updates the accounts payable subledger and general ledger postings, and allows for multiple remittance formats including email, PDF, and QR codes.
Woman using laptop - Reduce time by 50% with AP automation. Accounts Payable automation software allows one standard payments platform for all locations, banks and currencies.

Bank Reconciliation Automation

Automate reconciliations between bank statements and general ledger data. Cashbook’s sophisticated matching rules fully automate bank and credit card statements. Auto-create general ledger entries and use tolerance based write-offs. One central, reliable, trusted software platform powering bank reconciliation automation.
Man using laptop - Automate 95% of your bank reconciliation while reducing workload by 50% with our Bank Reconciliation software.
Man talking - Accounts receivable automation and cash flow management.
A Better Way

Trusted, tailored accounts receivable automation and cash flow management software

Our cash automation software solutions are used globally by clients with high-volume transactions across multiple industries. Each client has different financial processes depending on their specific industry, and our cash automation software is flexible enough to streamline these key processes.


Our software has been integrated with 16 different ERPs. Cashbook have a 20-year history of successful Infor ERP integrations, with specific, deep expertise in XA/MAPICS, BPCS/LX, and M3 solutions. A team of experts with the knowledge and understanding of accounting practices across key industries such as manufacturing, food & beverage, automotive, retail, and many others.


Trusted, tailored accounts receivable automation, bank reconciliation, deductions, collections and accounts payable software. Powered by a seamless integration between banks and ERP’s. Proven to increase cash flow management, eliminate manual processes, reduce DSO, and improve cash visibility. Discover how our global clients achieve significant levels of automation and completely transform their finance department. There is now a better way. 

Man using laptop - Accounts receivable automation and cash flow management.
Cashbook Vision

Become the world’s most trusted Cash Automation solution

At Cashbook, every day we strive to further improve on what we have achieved with our cash automation products. Our vision is to “become the world’s most trusted Cash Automation solution”. The key word here is trust, we develop strong relationships with our clients, relationships that last for many, many years. We truly listen to the core issues that our clients experience with their financial processes, and we always find a way to automate those specific issues.

Accounting processes change regularly and bring new financial challenges, and the Cashbook software changes along with it. A lot of our new product developments over the years have come from solving specific issues that customers were having. We have a dedicated team at Cashbook who are committed to product improvement and product development changes year on year. Helping companies to realise the huge benefits of accounts receivable automation and cash flow management software is what we love doing.

Keeping customers happy is a huge part of Cashbook, relationships and trust are both key in business to help our clients achieve their business goals.

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